Graeme Newell

Graeme Newell
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Company: 602 Communications
Graeme Newell is President of 602 Communications, a marketing research and consulting firm that specializes in emotional connection. Graeme and his team of emotional attachment experts show companies how to change complacent customers into passionate groupies.
Graeme has delivered more than 400 speeches at events in 25 countries around the world. He is known as the example king. His presentations are loaded with cutting-edge techniques used by the world’s most passionate brands. He has compiled an extensive emotional connection video library with more than 50,000 examples. He uses this library to teach leaders how to build deep lasting friendships with their customers.
Graeme Newell has done speaking, research and consulting for corporations across the globe, including: GE, Disney, Sony, CBS, Madison Square Garden, Comcast, and Universal Studios.
Graeme lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Annette.
Graeme can be reached at or call: (919) 217-4438.